Tuesday, November 14, 2017

IDO Dancing part 2

Today, we are talking again about dancing. But today, I will show you (or I guess tell you), how it works on the actual dance floor. Of course, it's not the same every time because every time the dance floor is different than the other times, but I am going to try to make it simple.

DISCLAIMER: This is from my personal experience but it does not have to qualify for every Hip-Hop competition that there is. So let's get into it.

What is the dance floor?

So, what is the "dance floor"? Like you obviously know what it is, but it is a completely different thing when you are standing on it, the lights are going into your eyes and everyone is looking at you. Especially if you're dancing the solo category (or at least that is my personal opinion).
The dance floor can be anything for anyone, but what all dancers have in common in the dance floor talk is that it's a stressful place. Even someone that loves the dancing and has been through this stuff a thousand times gets the one millisecond full stress in your heart. And if you don't and are a dancer you are a freakin' artist!

But how does it actually work?

It goes both simply and confusingly. Let me break this down for you:
It can be simple on small championships but on those big ones. When you get to the competition as a dancer in every category you have a different number. So on those small competitions the moderator says the numbers that will dance at the moment while the rest stays in the back. But on those big championships there are multiple people spreading the people into groups which will preform together (solos and duos). When it comes to the groups they come individually or two at the same time (groups) and just one at a time for the big formations (you could not do two at any occasions since the formations have custom music).

The number

So, as I said before you have a number that kind of guides you when you will dance. You get it in a paper form and you have to have it on you while you dance. Most people put it on their thighs, calves or back, or if they dance with any props they can put it there.

How long does the dance last?

The time is really important (not that much for solos since you just probably do freestyle (dance the way you feel the music)) but it matters with all the other ones since you need to know how long of a choreography/song mix you need to make. So this is how much the choreography should last for:

  • Solos: 1 minute
  • Duos: 1 minute
  • Groups: 2 minutes
  • Formations: about 3 minutes (it's basically your own choreography and music so it does not matter if it's 2:46 min. long or 3:15 minutes long, it's okay if it's not like 2 or 5 minutes long)

How does this relate to IDO dancing?

It's more than you might think, this is how it works on every IDO competition (that I have been on).

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