Thursday, November 16, 2017

Slovak politics

As a 13 year-old I should not talk about this or say anything about anyone from the politic side since I don't obviously know much about it. But this is still my personal opinion from the few information I know about and I am going to introduce it to you.

I am not really going to talk about the different sides and stuff like throwing shade on that specific side or something I am just going to talk about the overall situation.

Slovak politics are all over the place, both bad and good, weird, sometimes questionable and full of secrets. And what I cannot not mention: they are unpredictable.
Why you might ask? Well, people like the media and other people as well were predicting that some politic sides have no chance to even get in the picture of winning, and today they are at the place where they are close to winning, which is crazy to me and probably to everybody else because before they got into the picture no one knew about them and all the sudden it was like BOOM! they were known all over Slovakia, even when it comes to kids my age.

We also have some people that everybody knows about, and they were in the picture for a long time! They are basically saying that they will help our county but they are the "leaders of the thieves"! So basically because of them people have to/want to move out of the country or they just hate it but still they get a lot of popularity since a lot of stupid people live on the Earth (I'm sorry, but everybody knows it is the truth. Especially when it comes to politics, sometimes people do not even care about who they vote for, but that can ruin their whole future if they make a wrong decision).

The president

As every country we have a president that gets elected every once in a while. In Slovakia we get a new president every 5 years. Over the years (since 1993 because that is the year the Czech-Slovakian republic was split into the Slovak republic and the Czech republic) there have been a few presidents, and of course they were both bad and good in different sorts of ways (like everything and everyone is), and our country I don't think at least got in a bad situation because of our president yet. As I mentioned earlier, I am not going to talk about the specific person, I will try to make this the most compatible with simpleness and comfortableness and not throwing trash on everyone - ess and other stuff so that will be it for today. Ask me anything if you have a question in the comments and hopefully you will visit my blog again soon! Also, check my other blog out:

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