Thursday, November 9, 2017

Slovak nature

Every country belongs to a different climate, a type of country, and in every country we have different trees, nature, forests etc. So today, let's talk about Slovak nature, shall we?
Today, we will talk about the actual nature (forests etc.), next time we will talk about the animals, since I think this is a topic for more blog posts than just one.

So this is what's happening:

  • In Slovakia we do not have many animals (like exotic ones), because we live in a colder, rainier and also more to the North or "higher up" climate
  •   We have here a lot of different flowers, a lot of them being used for/with the health industry (one person made a book with a lot of them, including about 1000 examples)
  • The majority of the "Karpaty" and the "High Tatras" are in Slovakia, so we have a lot of mountains. In the winter we ski, and in spring, summer and fall we hike. 
  • There is scientific proof that Slovakia had a sea a lot of years into the past
  • We have a lot of cultural monuments that are related to nature (for example a "rockfall" - a rock looking like a waterfall)
  • There were a lot of mines so in the past we had a great situation when it comes to industry. We mined like bronze, a  bit of gold and other "fancy rocks".
  • And many more things to say but i cannot name them all otherwise you would stop reading the list by the end of the next month

Food in Slovakia's nature


I think that Slovakia isn't that great on the fruits. We have a lot of berries here, apples, and other fruits but everything exotic is from the other side of the world. And overtime you get bored of the foods from your country, so you have to buy the ones that are "chemical on top" from the chemical spray.
Sometimes you have no chance cause there is no way one day you don't want a banana or an orange, so you have no chance. But sometimes there is a problem with the food in the grocery stores. We have apples in here, but we still get them from Poland. I don't even know how I got here so I am just going to get back to the regular topic.


I do not know a lot of other countries, but I think we have no problem when it comes to vegetables. We have no problem with pumpkins, cucumbers, cauliflower or onions. So I think we have a pretty good situation with that. Although sometimes there might be the same problem with the groceries as with the fruits sometimes but that is still not anything with the nature topic so again, I should stop.


All kinds of them. But like seriously. I haven't eaten them yet, cause I don't like them but I have seen a lot. From edible, through not edible to "toxic" mushrooms, Slovakia's got a lot of everything needed when it comes to mushrooms.

I know, this ain't really interesting information, but tomorrow coming prat two of this blog, and I will try to do it more interesting.

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