Friday, November 10, 2017

Slovakia in general (for new people)

So this is going to be just for the people that do not know anything about Slovakia, and want to know a bit about it so you aren't like what am I reading about again? This is going to be a short blog post, if you're not new just skip it. So this is Slovakia:

Middle Europe, pretty easy, huh? Yeah,, but still you cannot read about a blog that you don't know what is the topic of the blog about.
Slovakia is a northern country that gets big changes throughout the year, has a big historical background and is interesting in every single way imaginable (check on that in my blogs if you like this content). Anyways, Slovakia has a lot of topics to talk about since a lot of people don't know about this country. But we have made quite a lot changes in the world as well, like one of the most rich people in the world is from Slovakia (but more information in my upcoming blogs, I don't want to spoil...)

For more information ask me in the comments or check out my blog posts about the topic that interests you. If the topic isn't on this blog yet, either write something in the comments that you would like a blog post about that or just wait for it.

Hopefully you will like my blogs.

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